About Us Detalles de contacto


Calle 116#7-15 Int. 2 of 301
Torre Cusezar Building,
Centro Empresarial Santa Barbara
Bogota D.C., Colombia.

Telephone numbers:

(+571) 6373259, 6373279 
Fax: (+571)  6373516

Ambassador: amb.bogota@mea.gov.in

Ambassador’s Office: amboffice.bogota@mea.gov.in

Social Secretary to Ambassador: social.bogota@mea.gov.in 

Head of Chancery: hoc.bogota@mea.gov.in

Political and Commercial: sspol.bogota@mea.gov.in

Consular (Passport, Visa, OCIs): consular.bogota@mea.gov.in and visa.bogota@mea.gov.in  (+57 601 6373259 - 6373451)

Contact Number only for Indian Nationals during any Emergency +57 3156659184

Education, Training programmes and ITEC Scholarships: itec.bogota@mea.gov.in

Yoga and Culture:cul.bogota@mea.gov.in
