About Us Medical Visa

Only Visa applications complete in all respects, with the prescribed. Fees, as per the guidelines for the visa category being applied for would be accepted and processed.

Incomplete applications would be accepted but will be processed only when complete in all respects. The Embassy will not be responsible for delay in processing/issue of visa due to receipt of incomplete applications.


Embassy of India Calle 116#7-15 Int.2. Of.301 Torre Cusezar, Santa Barbara Bogotá, Colombia

  1. The passport with a minimum validity of one (1) Year with at least three continuous blank pages
  2. Duly filled application form with signatures and photo uploaded. (On-line application form)
  3. Two Photographs: 5cms by 5cms with white background pasted to the form.
  4. Yellow fever vaccination certificate
  5. The flight reservation or Travel Itinerary.
  6. The applicant with dual nationality must attach copy of the non- applying passport (Please note that the applicant can choose the passport to apply with)
  7. Personal bank statements (past 3 months) with a minimum balance of $ 6.000.000 COP.
  8. In case, your husband/wife/children will be responsible for your expenses, please attach a notarized letter stating the same along with the copy of the birth registration or marriage certificate.
  9. The Reasons for the Medical visit
  10. Documents from the Hospital describing the procedure for cure & acceptance of patient.
  11. Medical History of the patient
  12. Letter from the doctor in Colombia/Ecuador
  13. Letter from the doctor in India and duration for which treatment would be necessary.

* All the applicants are requested to send the CHECKLIST along with their visa applications.

YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Postal address where you would like us to return your passport (please fill in BLOCK LETTERS):

Full Address
Zip/Postal Code
Cell phone number