About Us Entry Visa

The information and documents required for applying Entry Visa

Please make sure to read all the general information (CLICK HERE) before applying for Visa


Entry Visa is normally issued to Foreign nationals married to Indian nationals or to Foreign nationals whose wither parent is Indian national and for any other purposes that do not belong to any primary visa categories i.e Tourist, Business, Employment, Student, Medical etc.

  1. The passport (original) with a minimum validity of one (1) Year with at least three continuous blank pages
  2. Duly filled application form with signatures and photo uploaded. White background photo uploaded into the system. White background photo 5x5cm pasted to the form. It has to be signed on both pages (in the 2 spaces required) (On-line application form). Low quality images will not be accepted.
  3. Personal bank statements of the past three months with a minimum balance of $ 6,000,000 COP for Colombian nationals / USD 2000 in case of Ecuador nationals or letter from Indian national mentioning that he/she will responsibility of the expenses of the applicant in India, along with the bank statements of the Indian national.
  4. Flight reservation/itinerary or copy of air ticket.
  5. Copy of International Yellow Fever vaccination certificatePeople traveling to India must present their International Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate irrespective of the age (only children below 6 months are exempted). This certificate can be current or expired. Not having this requirement exposes the Applicant to be returned or quarantined in a health center. The Embassy of India will not be responsible in case some person is detained by the Migratory Authorities due to lack of Yellow Fever Vaccination certificate. No letters from Doctors/organizations recommending for such exemptions are entertained.
  6. Signed Consent Format (Download here)
  7. Applicant with dual nationality must attach copy of the other (non-applying) passport (Please note that the applicant can choose the passport to apply with)
  8. Original bank deposit slip 
  9. Proof of relationship with Indian national (Birth certificate/marriage certificate etc).
  10. Copy of Passport of the Indian national, in relation with applicant.
  11. Letter from the Indian national confirming the relationship and requesting visa to the applicant. 
  12. All visa applications must be accompanied by travel insurance for the period of time that person is visiting India.
  13. To return Passport outside Bogotá in Colombian territory Applicants have to deposit additional fee and make a note with the address (including ZIP code www.codigopostal.gov.co) to which Applicants want to get their passport back.


Make Deposit in Indian Embassy Account at Itau Bank

Bank Name: Banco Itaú

Accountholder’sname: Embajada de la India, Bogota

Bank Account holder: NO. 007-396-807

Account type: Current Account

Kindly submit the original Deposit Slip with the required documents for the desired service.

Payments in Ecuador:

Make Deposit in Indian Embassy Account at Pichincha Bank

Bank’sName: Banco Pichincha C.A.
Accountholder’sname: Embajada de la India, Bogota
Account type: Current account
Account No. 3460152804

Kindly submit the original Deposit Slip with the required documents for the desired service.

Address to Send/Submit all the Documents:

Embassy of India, Calle 116 # 7-15, Torre Cusezar Oficina 301, Código Postal: 110111287, Bogotá, Colombia

DHL(optional): Need to pay DHL/Courier charges in case if the applicants want the Embassy to send bank the documents/Passports through courier. If the applicants are going to collect the documents/Passports directly from the Embassy, No need to pay this amount. Please check the fee chart regarding how much to pay.

For Latest Fee Chart for Visa/OCI Services (Click Here)